I don’t doubt it Every time I’m in the spotlight I feel haunted, by words Lirik Menarik :NinaThe words were created by men, I fear But I’m a man of God Lirik Menarik :MembangunSo if you were there Tell me what happened before the sun comes up Oh,...
Oh I thought it was over With all these broken spines Lirik Menarik :NinaWe argue we fight Talks were cold, extra shiver Lirik Menarik :Membangun30 days were all night No sunshine no sight Old school Taxi and Uber we fight? Why can’t our road be as one? Tear...
Building overrun Our hope is on the fire exit Lirik Menarik :NinaDead television on every floor we all four went through You cry upon the dead, I pity all the undead Lirik Menarik :MembangunFoul scent, blood and limbs, I’ll bear them long as they don’t...
Kau bedah ilmu hitam tak tertandingi Kau tindak kau tindas yang sayap kiri Lirik Menarik :NinaLidahmu setajam yang darah murni Tak perlu kawan kau jalani sendiri Lirik Menarik :MembangunLawanmu pasti kau tebas mati Dengan sihirmu, sihirmu, sihirmu Sectumsempra Kau...
Never compromise get turnt get crazy Push ye’s button and walk for frenzy Lirik Menarik :NinaBoost your ego get Yeezy get ready (Don’t need no shoes to run this city babe) Lirik Menarik :MembangunAnd take them all every chances you get Chairil on on on so...
Malam dan siang yang tidak pernah bertatap muka Sebab diantara nya kemilau jingga masuk mengukir nama Akan jurang yang membedakan diri mereka masing-masing The night is holding down the sun It’s darkest before dawn I set my eyes on this wall that Separates us...